Artist Statement
I was raised in the Caribbean, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern, and European regions, an upbringing that has heavily influenced my personality and philosophy.
Primarily a painter, I also write, act, make short films, and am honing skills in crafting three-dimensional figures from my two-dimensional artworks. My fascination with painting lies in its departure from verbal expression, delving into the realm of the ineffable and, perhaps, the mystical.
Originating as an artist three decades ago in Colorado, my paintings initially depicted celestial bodies and luminous rings, inspired by the region's captivating night skies. Over time, my style evolved to embrace the vibrant vernacular of the land in Colorado and the western United States, and Trinidad and Tobago and the Caribbean region. I have done this through a variety of bodies of work, such as decay, fire, regeneration, people, animals, factories, boundary making and patterning, and heritage.
As an artist whose work is rooted in place, I am intrigued by how societies and cultures leave their mark on the land they inhabit. My artwork captures the behavior of the dominant culture, in contrast to nature, through unconventional imagery that subtly reveals the tension of the prevailing dichotomy.
My latest project, "Earthbound," conceived in 2023, is a project about embracing our earthly reality. I portray individuals at rest or in their final moments in nature, encouraging reflection on mortality, and diverging from the sky-bound narratives prevalent in Western religious and scientific contexts that seek solace in remote paradises.